Friday, July 12, 2019

Personal Appearances to Come!

*Do not forget the big international IIIHS conference on spiritual and esoteric subjects in Montreal, Quebec, August 16-25.  Outstanding speakers and great workshops are scheduled.

The debut of “The Forever Angels” will be there.

Or you can phone at (514) 937-8359.

*Do not forget the next big international conference of IANDS 
August 29-September 1 at Valley Forge, PA.  They also have outstanding speakers and great workshops, and, yes, I’ll be speaking about my new book, The Forever Angels.  

Or e-mail, or call them at (919) 383-7940.

*This begins a number of speaking opportunities for me in September and October.  Refer to my SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT that went out in June - also the Engagement Calendar on my website at
 Or if you're on Facebook, remember my address is @PMHNDE

Oops, don’t forget the special retreat coming up October 17-20
for all near-death experiencers who want to come in Virginia Beach, VA, visit:

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