Sunday, March 10, 2013

Skye Kuri

Karyn Martin-Kuri, Skye Kuri as she preferred to be called, was one of the most gifted far-seers of our time.  She understood the spiritual realms and instinctively knew how to contact them, work with them, and paint them.  That vision she possessed gave her the ability to plan and to execute large projects, always for the good of others.  Her "A Declaration of Spiritual Independence" made clear that she intended America and the world to move beyond political and economic preoccupations, to liberate the spirit.  Many of her paintings went on to grace corporate walls and the hallways of commerce and investment institutions, because those of saw them commented on how healing they were. . . just to even be near the paintings. . . as if they possessed a special energy that enveloped whatever and whoever was near.  She had that gift, that knowing.  Her plans to build and operate "The World Center for Peace Through Art" almost happened.  She had the backers, was in line for a grant, found the property for a campus-style compound, when, at the very last second, a key backer pulled out and her plans dissolved.  Her designs, her vision for a spiritual center, still exist and have been passed on to others.  Someday the world center she wanted to create will be done by others.  She taught countless people about the spiritual worlds and the spiritual power within them.  She was excellent with medical diagnosis, psychically locating health problems and accurately recommending what always turned out to be the proper treatment.  She rescued many, people who were broke, starving, sick.  She was always there with money, prayers, a good word, and further assistance.  I used to scold her for giving so much  -  seldom did she leave anything for herself.  She would scold me, saying, give more.  I was there to help her get her articles published, her book published, her classes filled, and her work done on time.  Her angel paintings were the most dramatic, each one alive with healing energy and the music of spirit.  Not always practical, or even aware of what others were saying about her, she kept her mind and heart firmly planted on God and was convinced forgiveness conquered all.  Skye was a genius, a creative, loving, ever-giving genius, who spoke of God and angels and all things spiritual.  She was a great cook, an excellent gardener, and could "pray up a storm" of pure joy.  I count myself lucky to have known her and to have been a part of her life, however small.  Be assured she is still working to help others.  She doesn't need a body to do that.  Her spirit will continue to inspire and uplift.  She just might resurrect her plans for that World Center yet, by whispering into the ear of those ready to hear.  God bless you, Skye.  We all love you.  ~PMH Atwater

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