Saturday, May 05, 2012

Ken Ring NDE Research Project & OBE Article

***Ken Ring is back again, with a new research project. He has joined up with Cheryl Fracasso, Ph.D. (Saybrook University) and Harris Friedman, Ph.D. (University of Florida) - Ken is affiliated with University of Connecticut - to tackle the anomalous aftereffect of near-death states - electrical sensitivity. The invitation:

“We would like to invite you to participate in a study dealing with some of the physical aftereffects and sensitivities of near-death experiences. This research simply involves completing some questionnaires and possibly a follow-up interview over the telephone. If you would be interested in participating, please click on the link below, which will take you directly to the survey site:

“Should you have any questions, please e-mail us at or

This is a very important study. Please participate!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks.

***There is a wonderful article on near-death, entitled “Near death, explained: New Science is shedding light on what really happens during out-of-body experiences -- with shocking results.” This article is by Dr. Mario Beauregard, and can be found at:

Dr. Beauregard did not go far enough for me, but he did establish research details that any skeptic will find difficult to counter. His article was excerpted from the HarperOne book: The Brain Wars: The Scientific Battle Over the Existence of the Mind and the Proof That Will Change the Way We Live Our Lives. New cases and new research are proving that the scientific understandings we have at present about the brain/mind are false.

***The Internet is really buzzing about claims of a former Buddhist Monk in Myanmar that, during his near-death experience in July of 2011, he saw Buddha in Hell. I do not know the details of this case, but I do think that it is wise to know something about the experiencer’s life before, what caused the episode, and something of his or her culture, language constraints, and before-and-after belief system. It could be that Buddha’s appearance to this man could have been comforting - showing him that even in the most negative conditions, help is there. Or it could have been a warning to him about how he practiced his religion and under what conditions. We cannot jump to conclusions with near-death states. The more we know about conditions, the better able we are to grapple with possible meanings.


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