Gary "Cody" Johnson, The Voyage of Purpose, and an NDE Handbook for Clinicians

*** Gary “Cody” Johnson passed away on December 18th. Cody was a renaissance man and maverick who founded The Prophets Conference, The Great Mystery online programs, and many other events down through the years that made an incredible difference to thousands of people. His own life was turned around by a near-death experience. After that he dedicated his life to the transformation of consciousness – to help the conscious evolution of humanity. His wife, Robin, plans to continue some of his programs.
*** David Bennett has appeared on “George Noory’s Coast-to-Coast AM Radio” on Wednesday, January 11. The two talked about David’s book, Voyage of Purpose – an important book, not only because it describes what “killed” David, but what he went through integrating the aftereffects of his near-death episode. Few near-death books go into the aftereffects like David’s does. Consult the archives of Coast-to-Coast for a replay of this show.
*** Finally, there is a near-death book for clinicians. There has never been one before, so this is very important. The book is Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences: A Handbook for Clinicians, edited by Mahendra Perera, Karuppiah Jagadheesan, and Anthony Peake. Published by Jessica Kingsley: London and Philadelphia, 2012. Please, buy a copy for your doctor, clinics and hospitals, for mental health-care professionals, educators, nurses, any and everyone connected with physical/mental health-care and educational efforts. I feel so strongly about this book that I am having it posted on my website Home Page, as a permanent entry. Clinicians need to know about this book. It is relatively small, so should not be a reading issue for anyone.
Labels: Cody Johnson, NDE, Near-Death Experience, near-death states