Saturday, February 10, 2018

Announcements for March


Plan now for March 3 and 4 in Virginia Beach, VA. That’s when the original talk and workshop I was slated to give in early January, will actually happen. The January affair was canceled because of that “bomb hurricane.” Remember? Virginia Beach got 12” of snow. Can you imagine Virginia Beach under 12” of snow? ‘Twas very freaky. Well, weather has finally settled down a bit (hopefully) and we’re set for a redo. Activities will be held in the Edgar Cayce Headquarters Building on 67th and Atlantic Avenue, starting time 10 am. The talk will be about A Manual for Developing Humans and that sense of “mission” many of us have. A powerpoint of all the thoughtform drawings in the Manual will accompany what is shared. The workshop features exercises and ideas from the Manual, plus a discussion about important times to come - for all of us.

I believe that starts at 1 pm. The next day, Sunday, I will deliver a sharing at the Fellowship of Inner Light Church. For details about any of this, contact Neil Helm at
