Monday, July 19, 2010

Permaculture and "The Rest of the Story"


You all know how keenly interested I am in food, farming, crops, and seeds. The techniques of Permaculture and Biological Farming I believe are the ways to go for the future of our world, to ensure good food and plenty of it. With Permaculture in mind, I highly recommend Mollison and Holmgren’s “The Permaculture Designer’s Manual.”

There is an important opportunity very soon you can take advantage of. Big Bend Ecovillage is sponsoring “Permaculture Design Certification Course,” July 27-August 13 at Big Bend Hot Springs in Shasta County, Northern California. They have an intergenerational ecovillage development there which is outstanding. The contacts I have for this are:;; (707) 634-1461


The official title of my new book is NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: THE REST OF THE STORY. It comes out late January, 2011, hardcover, from Hampton/Red Wheel. I promise you the book will be controversial. More about this later.

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