Wednesday, July 12, 2017



*** If you are dealing with the aftereffects of near-death experiences, or any form of intense spiritual transformation or radical change of consciousness, please get on my website at On the Home Page is a section called NDE Aftereffects. Go there. You will find many suggestions and a lot of information about the whole range of physical and psychological changes afterward and how to deal with them in successful ways. It takes a minimum of 7 to 10 years to integrate these changes. No experiencer knows how much they have changed afterwards. It takes time. Even those who have found a teacher or method of how to do it - even those - even after years of classes - have not been able to shorten the time it takes. With child experiencers, double that time, as it takes them much longer.

Books helpful to many adult and child experiencers are: Beyond the Near-Death Experience; Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of the Story; and The New Children and Near-Death Experiences. That section on my website is like a “first aid station” to get you started, but the main resource designed to guide everyone (not just NDE experiencers) in how to live a more expansive, full, and productive life is: A Manual for Developing Humans. It has a Fifth Dimensional format, that is to say conscious, subconscious, and superconscious levels are dealt with together and openly - the basics of how to be fully who you already are. Information covered will surprise you!!!! Tell others. Spread the news!

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