Friday, April 27, 2007

Near-Death-Like Experience Study

Nancy Clark, a woman who had both a near-death experience and a near-death-like experience, is now conducting research on near-death-like experiences for a book she is writing. This is important work, and I urge you to participate if this applies to you. The link between near-death and near-death-like episodes is a strong one, including with the aftereffects; and I think we need to know more about that link and how to recognize it and what it might mean. Her invitation to participate follows. --PMH


By Nancy Clark CT, Author, Hear His Voice; Facilitator, Columbus, OH Friends of IANDS, Member, Academy of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies, National League of American Pen Women

I am conducting a research project for a book I am writing and I am looking for ordinary people who suddenly and spontaneously had a mystical or transcendent experience under ordinary circumstances and who WERE NOT CLOSE TO DEATH, NOT SUFFERING FROM SERIOUS ILLNESS OR PHYSICAL TRAUMA at the time of their experience. These experiences and the transformations that occur in these individuals are very similar to what have been reported by near-death experiencers. During these moments the self, the ego (one's separateness) disappears as the individual fuses experientially with the object of perception. I am trying to show that coming close to death is only ONE trigger releaser for this type of transcendent experience; there are many other triggers as well. Whatever the trigger releaser, one thing is certain. This experience spiritually transforms people's lives. So if you have experienced at least two of the following features, I would like to hear from you.

Out-of-body; room suddenly filling up with a brilliant light; traveling at a fast speed; a dark space; tunnel or void; meeting or sensing deceased loved ones or other entities such as guides or angels; encountering or sensing a being of light; feeling joy, peace or love; an expanded view of oneself and the world; sense of timelessness; telepathic or otherworldly communication; view of landscapes, buildings, or different realm/s of existence, etc., a life review or life preview; a sense of cosmic unity; attaining knowledge or insight of some kind; given a choice or were told you had to return or rapid re-entry back to physical consciousness. In addition, you may feel you were spiritually transformed or "awakened" in a more meaningful way allowing your heart and the values of your spirit to emerge.

If you would like to participate in this research, I will send you a confidential questionnaire to complete. All inquiries will be strictly confidential. Please email me at the following address: and please use the words "Research Project" in the subject line of all email correspondence with me to assure your message won't be considered spam and deleted without reading. You can also write to me at PO Box 835, Dublin, OH 43017. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Additional information can be found on my web site. When my data is collected I plan to publish my findings in a book and share some of the most poignant accounts in it. If your story is used in my book, your real name will not be used. You will be given a pseudo name and you will receive a complimentary copy of the book when it is published. You will also receive great satisfaction in knowing you helped contribute to the research and education regarding these types of transcendent spiritual experiences and their ultimate meaning for humanity.

Thank you,
Nancy Clark CT



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