Monday, March 06, 2017

New Book by PMH, Spiritual Retreat for NDE'ers

  • Next month, April 2017, is the debut of A Manual for Developing Humans, the third book I was told to write during my third near-death experience.  It has taken me nearly 40 years to get to this point, do the job, and ready it for delivery.  The book is about you and it is for you.  On March 13, 2017, a Special Announcement will go out to everyone on my newsletter subscriber list.  If you do not subscribe, no problem.  All issues are archived.  Just go to the Newsletter section of, open up the archive, and download the Announcement.  One way or another you can get it.  Please post it everywhere, send to any person or place you can think of, share it as broadly and as often as you can.  No limits.  Let everyone know.  

Don’t forget about the Spiritual Retreat for Near-Death Experiencers, April 20-23, in St. Louis, MO.  I’ve attended two of these and I can say wholeheartedly, going there was one of the best decisions I’ve made.  The affair is located in a Catholic Retreat Center that is perfect for prayer, reflection, exploration, and discovery.  And you will be with other experiencers the whole time, like a special family sharing moments difficult to describe to anyone else.  If you’re interested in going, contact Eric Cusimano, or David Bennett,

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